Dear HWSF members and supporters,
The pace of change is fast now, so sorry, first of all, about this rather huge update! New committee member We are delighted that Samah Alrahabi, who spoke to us about the needs of families in the UK for the first time at our 31st January event, will be joining the committee to act as an adviser and link with the Syrian community here. Latest on refugee arrivals We have been to a meeting in Stevenage and they are expecting two families within the next three weeks. Exciting news! WE are not yet sure of the timescale for other councils, but think that Watford are close behind Stevenage and that St Albans seem to be aiming for before the end of March. The Refugee Council worker comes into post tomorrow (1st March) and will be based initially in Stevenage. We have been told that they are meanwhile recruiting two further workers to work across Herts. HWSF will be meeting with the Refugee Council on the 9th March. Goods wanted Stevenage have collated a list of things they will need. Whilst they have money for the basics, it does not cover items like child car seats, TVs and radios. Stevenage Council are looking for donations of money or items from the list, so if you know of anyone in that area who would like to contribute, please can they contact Carrie Southern ([email protected]). The list can be found at - - so take a look. No doubt we will be collecting similar items in each of the local areas in the near future. We haven't forgotten the offers of goods from the How To Help forms - thanks, and we'll contact you if there's a match. Feedback from 31st January These were the comments raised at our public event, summarised by Irene.
The need to prepare the community and schools to welcome families …and, on this subject… Catherine Henderson is leading on organising volunteer support at district level, and says: 'We will soon be contacting those of you who have expressed an interest in volunteering to support refugee families. Many of you have joined us since we sent out our volunteer form, so if you have not already completed and returned this and would like to be actively involved when the families start to arrive please could you complete the details at the foot of this email. 'Essentially we are looking for people who are interested in working in a befriending capacity, supporting the Refugee Council project worker. This could involve offering lifts, supporting language learning, helping children with homework or simply, and most importantly, becoming friends. We hope volunteers will be able to offer regular, ongoing support as part of a small team. Certain areas are short of volunteers at the moment. 'Alternatively you might want to help raise funds, which could be used to buy household goods, pay for trips out or perhaps fund drop-in centres/conversation clubs/play sessions – we don’t yet know what might be needed! 'If you would like to help (and haven’t already returned your volunteer form) please send the following information via our Contact Form: Your name Address District Council Phone number(s) Any particular skills or experience you could offer, including Arabic, teaching, offering lifts (but, mainly, your time, commitment and friendship).' We have seen from the forms we have received that a course to prepare people to volunteer as English Language tutorswould be valuable to many of you. We are looking into laying this on in a central Hertfordshire location, and seek a venue – please speak up if you know a good one! Fundraising We are also looking to set up a fundraising committee, so let us know if you are able to help us with this. We will need funding for volunteers to cover travel expenses, a possible volunteer training course and additional items for the families. Events Two events to mention this time:
Stories always tell us so much more about human experience than dry facts, meaning this should be a wonderful way to deepen understanding of what it is like being a refugee. So, if you can, come to this performance by professional actors giving their time for free at St Andrew’s Church, Hertford. For more details, look here:
Best wishes, Katie and HWSF Comments are closed.